The Lazar Pen Debacle

Mr.J ordered a laser pen from China recently to entertain our kitty cat, after waiting for weeks and weeks it finally came and the cat loved it! Some hilarious videos to follow! I’m not sure though if Mr.J or the cat enjoyed it more, either way it kept them entertained, and me happy!

The cat took the laser very seriously..

The cat took the laser very seriously..

To say that Mr.J got a little obsessive about this laser pen was an understatement, he took it all over with him and was constantly getting the cat to chase this little red dot around the house, funny the first few times maybe, but after a full day of it I was getting a little bored! So bed time comes, and yes the laser pen is still out, still playing, I am at this point trying to snuggle down and watch a good film! So after a few aggressive threats to put the pen in various unmentionable cavities polite requests from me for Mr.J to put the pen away, he finnily settled down! FEW.
After a lovely film I was softly drifting off to sleep when jack started frantically searching around the bedroom saying “where is my laser?” I have no idea why he started searching for his laser at this point, but he did, and he couldn’t find it.

He began demanding that I help him in his search, I’m gonna be honest, I couldn’t care less about his stupid laser at this point I just desperately wanted sleep! but no, on came the lights, “where is it?” he kept saying.. he began to get quite upset, and kind of resembled a disheveled crazy man as he searched in the small dark corners of our room with his torch (yeh he got the torch out…) he even began to blame the cat saying he had hidden it somewhere. I could not understand why he was getting so worked up, but, he was!

Anyway, I tried desperately to get to sleep over the noise of him searching when finally he gives up and comes to bed, lights out, peace.

Now as I am lying there I cant help but wonder, ‘where did that laser pen go… I could remember him playing with it when I wanted to watch the film..(Mr. J begins to snore  now).. but what happened then?’….BAMM!

“J turn the light on” … “J!!!”


“I know where the laser is!”

light comes on, it was, of course, in my pocket. I had taken it off him when I wanted to watch the film and forgotten all about it. To say I felt a bit guilty is an understatement! I felt awful, but couldn’t help laughing.
Mr.J was able to sleep soundly that night, cradling his precious laser and vowing to never let me get my hands on it again…

Miss W x